Global Engagement
(0)1483 283040

developing the team through simulation

case 2: large multi-national software company


To create a comprehensive simulation environment to replicate as closely as possible, the management of a national consulting division of this US owned corporation.


  • Creating a financial simulation of the consulting unit.
  • Replicating the corporation’s real management reports within the simulation.
  • Replicating the corporation’s job pricing tool within the simulation.
  • Creation of a website to represent the simulated subsidiary.
  • Integration of the financial aspects of the simulation with the marketing and HR parts of the simulation case study.

the program:

Participants joined s residential three day event where, in groups, they managed the corporation’s take-over of a consultancy software business and it’s transition to being the national hub. The simulation replicated the running of the business for a year, as a competitive event between three or four groups. The finances, sales opportunities, HR issues and form of management reporting closely matched those of the real business. Pre-program briefings were done through the fictional company website, and comprehensive follow up multi-media materials were available through the parent corporation’s website.

the story:

This three day program was the core event for senior management training in the consultancy division of this large multi-national. It ran for a period of over ten years, being continually modified to reflect changes in the parent company and its operating environment. It was endorsed by the divisionj’s CEO as an event which all senior managers had to attend in the course of their career development. It was also used as a means for helping senior managers from acquired businesses and lateral hires to adapt to the systems, working methods and management priorities of their new employer.