Global Engagement
(0)1483 283040

developing financial skills

gaining financial insight & confidence through coaching

Many leaders lack confidence in their financial skills. In our experience, their understanding of some aspects might be deep, but of others, more shallow. Some express a particular need to unify the disparate strands of their knowledge.

common questions are :

  • How can I get to understand our finances better?
  • What questions should I be asking our finance director?
  • How can I model the financial impact of our decisions?
  • How can I financially plan for the future?

We provide close coaching support to leaders and senior managers, usually one-to-one, but sometimes coaching on a paired basis. The coaching is provided within the context of the host organisation, with reference to its systems and means of financial planning and reporting. Where, appropriate, financial models are used which focus on the operational realities of the business.

An objective of the coaching process is to enable planned self development to evolve.