Global Engagement
(0)1483 283040

developing experienced leaders

personalised strategic leadership development

Unlike a conventional programme we see leadership development as being grounded in the lived experience and actions in your role as well as through a number of developmental processes. This combination enables us to co-create with you a ‘leadership learning contract’ (LLC). By taking this more holistic approach we can firmly anchor the programme in the reality of the challenges you will be engaging in during the programme. The LLC also helps us define the benchmark ‘start point’ against which we can assess progress and evaluate the return on investment.

Furthermore, in contrast with a single programme our approach is more organic and emergent rather than pre-determined. As a consequence we routinely revisit and update the ‘contract’ as we progress. We also recognise the valuable role that your institutional sponsor and line manager can play in helping you during the journey as well as reviewing the outcomes (by you and us) against the plan we ultimately co-create. We would expect that you would discuss the plan with them at the start and that, as part of the final review, we would facilitate a three way conversation to provide closure to the process.

The first stage in the development of the LLC is to explore your future ambitions as well as the current challenges.

Informed by these and using processes, such as 360 feedback, we will jointly form a framework of the key capabilities which we agree will be required for you to be even more successful in your distinctive context. Based on these inputs we will then refine and develop your highly personalised developmental plan.

Further details about the PSLP and next steps can be found here.